We have tracked, categorized under Science and Technology and other Research and Development, over 19 funding programs and $22,683,971 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Disability and Pregnancy Apply for HHS 2024 ACL NIDILRR DPHF 0086

Funding Number: HHS 2024 ACL NIDILRR DPHF 0086
Agency: Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $500,000
RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Research Grants Program Apply for GR RCE 24 001

Funding Number: GR RCE 24 001
Agency: Department of the Treasury, U.S. Dept. of Treasury RESTORE Act Program
Funding Amount: $10,254,565
Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Program - Community Living and Participation Apply for HHS 2024 ACL NIDILRR ARCP 0064

Funding Number: HHS 2024 ACL NIDILRR ARCP 0064
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $200,000
NIJ FY 2023 Invited to Apply - Funding to Support the Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Program Apply for O NIJ 2023 171873

Funding Number: O NIJ 2023 171873
Agency: Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice
Funding Amount: $266,406
Archaeology Program Senior Research Awards Apply for 23 566

Funding Number: 23 566
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
NIJ FY23 Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older Adults Apply for O NIJ 2023 171526

Funding Number: O NIJ 2023 171526
Agency: Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice
Funding Amount: $1,500,000
Naval Engineering Education Consortium (NEEC) Broad Agency Announcement for FY23 Apply for NSWC IHD BAA N00174 23 0001

Funding Number: NSWC IHD BAA N00174 23 0001
Agency: Department of Defense, NSWC Indian Head
Funding Amount: $500,000
National Nuclear Forensics Expertise Development Program Nuclear Forensics Research Award Apply for WD NFE 22 001

Funding Number: WD NFE 22 001
Agency: Department of Homeland Security, Office of Procurement Operations - Grants Division
Funding Amount: $1,395,000
DoD Peer Reviewed, Convergent Science Cancer Consortium Development Award Apply for W81XWH 22 PRCRP CSCCDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 22 PRCRP CSCCDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Post Construction Monitoring and Habitat Assessment of Gulf Sturgeon in Response to Ship Island Restoration Efforts by the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program Apply for W81EWF 22 SOI 0008

Funding Number: W81EWF 22 SOI 0008
Agency: Department of Defense, Engineer Research and Development Center
Funding Amount: $173,000
Developing Natural and Nature-Based Features Based on Engineering With Nature® (EWN) and Landscape Architecture Principles for Project Locations Identified within, or in close proximity to, the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Apply for W81EWF 21 SOI 0020

Funding Number: W81EWF 21 SOI 0020
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- Corps of Engineers
Funding Amount: $180,000
DOD Rare Cancers Idea Development Award Apply for W81XWH 21 RCRP IDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 21 RCRP IDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Forensic Technology Center of Excellence, Fiscal Year 2021 Apply for O NIJ 2021 97001

Funding Number: O NIJ 2021 97001
Agency: Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice
Funding Amount: $4,500,000
DoD Epilepsy, Quality of Life Research Award Apply for W81XWH 21 ERP QOL

Funding Number: W81XWH 21 ERP QOL
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Request for Application (RFA) NIST Forensic Science Center of Excellence Apply for 2020 NIST FS COE 01

Funding Number: 2020 NIST FS COE 01
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Southern Appalachian Mountain CESU Apply for G18AS00124

Funding Number: G18AS00124
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $96,000
SBE Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Apply for 18 584

Funding Number: 18 584
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $69,000
National Park Service- Creation of Predictive Model using GIS at Dinosaur National Monument Apply for P17AS00680

Funding Number: P17AS00680
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $50,000
Collaborative Research on International and Domestic Spherical Tokamaks Apply for DE FOA 0001784

Funding Number: DE FOA 0001784
Agency: Department of Energy - Office of Science, Office of Science
Funding Amount: $3,000,000


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